Mrs. Dar

   Mission Statement

Our mission here at DAR RECORDS is to educate as many Gospel Independent Artist as possible about the Music Industry.  We want to help Independent Artist get opportunities to share their anointing talent  God has given them, with others as they go to the next level in their Ministry.  If an Artist is serious about their Ministry God has given them; they will succeed to the next level.  We try to help Independent Artists realize every Artist Next Level is different according to their Ministry.  We try to encourage Artist to be who they are and not what some other Artists' are.  When God give you a Ministry, HE does just that;  HE gives it to YOU and through YOU,  it has a purpose and it is a distinquished Ministry because he gave it to YOU and not someone else; that's why Artists shouldn't try to be like other Artists;  stay focused on what God has for them to do and do it the very best they can.  We want the world to know there are Independent Artists with powerful Ministries as well as Major Artist.  We also want Artists to realize if they keep God First; their Ministries will grow.  When one keep God first; the sky is the limit...


P.O. Box 135

Wirtz, Va. 24184

Telephone:  540-721-1628